SetApp version not supporting the web app
Rique Santiestevan
Hello,I am evaluating NotePlan through my SetApp subscription. SetApp installed it correctly via the app, yet the web app prompts me that I am on a trial subscription and need to subscribe within 14 days.
Is SetApp support limited only to MacOS and iOS and not including the web version? If so, that would be a big issue, as I wish to use the web version on Windows. Also (and this is not your issue) SetApp has always advertised full support for their apps and missing features would not constitute full support.
I sincerely hope that I am mistaken and have missed discovering the means to enable the web version through my SetApp subscription.
Thanks for your help!
Eduard Metzger
Thanks for sharing the solution!
Rique Santiestevan
I was able to get this to work. It required me activating my iOS app following SetApp's instructions, then logging in to NP on my phone and then finally logging in with AppleID when accessing via the web.