Improve visual design through typography and attention to visual hierarchy
I concur and would like to add “Capacities” as an example of an app with a more appealing design.
I am a fan of NotePlan and appreciate its core concepts based on Markdown. New features are regularly introduced, and I welcome them. However, I believe a UI refresh is necessary, or at least a better balance between new features and the current design.
As a non-designer, I cannot provide specific feedback on the typography, layout, or both. However, I can say that other apps give me a polished feel that NotePlan lacks.
I hope this feedback is taken constructively, as I clearly stated that I love the app and it is my daily companion for taking notes.
Stuart Walker
There is likely always a tradeoff between form and function. I agree that Bear has a beauty to it but it is because it restricts functionality. There is no integrated task or calendar structure, no folder structure, no “built-in” Daily Focus (the main reason I only use it as a document repository) and so on.
Nicholas Sloan
Typography can be largely controlled via custom themes. I have altered almost everything in my theme and I like the way it looks, but I would not necessarily wish to impose my preferences on anyone else.
Frank Mattes
Nicholas Sloan I am interested in polishing the UI of NP as well but I also understand that the discussion is too abstract. Would you mind sharing your alterations?
Mike Erickson
Kelly Franznick that's like saying my car makes noise - fix it.
Eduard Metzger
Jon Plummer and Joseph Girardot already mentioned it. Would be awesome, if you have some specific details we could focus on.
Kelly Franznick
Eduard Metzger do you want a design spec? Redlines? Let me know what would be useful. My comment was that this should be paid attention to because it clearly isn’t.
Eduard Metzger
Kelly Franznick Thanks, we could start with some example, I’m not even quite sure what you mean. Like is say the folder name misaligned with something? The month name in the calendar? Redlines sounds useful
Jon Plummer
"Make it better" is hard feedback to take action on.
Joseph Girardot
Might be helpful to cite some examples.
Joseph Girardot
Might be helpful to cite some examples.